It’s a very good question and everyone shall ask him- or herself. Are the keys stored in a safe and secured place? Are they used always just by authorized person or others could have access to those keys too? What could go wrong if someone steals or loses an important key, and how can you take actions to find out who’s responsible for the loss of the missing key. With the LOXTOP key management systems you will always have up-to-date information about your keys. Due to the embedded industrial Windows PC you can easily check for history in the Log. Giving permissions to users which keys are allowed to use in which time period either in front of the terminal or through the Web-Interface.
The key management system or key locker is suitable for tracking the key movements, managing and logging keys of vehicles, offices, banks, government institutions, hotels, hospitals, etc.
The key management system can be standard or customized if required. In case of a customized system when required intelligent storage boxes could be added for your valuables along with the key modules. The modular design of the key cabinet panels and storage boxes allows for a custom built and variable system. The key locker and intelligent storage box system logs and tracks every key movement (key pickup, key return, door opening/closing). With the key locker system you can give permissions to users, manage bookings, key pickups and choose from several other customizable options. The storage system and key storage cabinets can be integrated into companies’ ERP and access control systems.
Besides the standard set-up we offer customized modules too. You can order key management systems installed into safes (even into fireproof ones) too.

You always know who removed the key and when it was taken or returned
• Define access rights to users individually
• Monitor how often it was accessed and by whom
• Invoke alerts in case of missing key or overdue keys
• Secure storage in steel cabinets or safes
• Keys are secured by seals to RFID tags
• Access to keys with PIN code , card, fingerprint.

Storage and tracking valuables or dangerous items in electronic lockers and prevent them from unauthorized access. Access to the boxes can be done by card and PIN codes. Personnel will have access to the content only with sufficient permissions. There are standard sizes of boxes and you may choose the quantity of boxes. All cabinets are supplied with built-in battery that helps when power failure occures.

Fire and bullet-proof safe with integrated asset storage and key management system. The system is modular, so the set-up of key management and asset storage modules can be customized. The safe can be ordered with a transparent bulletproof glass, or fully plated design.
Weight Measuring Sensor

To ensure same item is returned or monitor usage of liquids-drugs
Built-in PC with touch screen

Easily manage the cabinet
RFID Card Reader

Save cost and utilize your current staff ID cards
Fingerprint Reader

For maximum security
Expandable & Modular System

For your future needs
USB Charger in lockers

To keep devices always ready
Store keys inside lockers

Huge key bunches can be stored in the box
Light indicator

Easily find which key authenticated to take
WEB, USB Connections

Manage system remotely and backup database
Time Restriction

Manage time periods for access
RFID Contactless Technology

For durability and long life
E-MAIL alert

E-MAIL alert in case of important events
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